Marc Mortiboys - The Dental Shaman

Looking back to the early 1970’s my Shamanic initiation started in the belfry of the Renowned Dedham Church immortalised in Constable’s fine painting. As well as a choir boy, I literally learned the initial sonic ropes as a bellringer. My mother all her life was a strict vegetarian and gave us a solid foundation in nutrition and herbalism.

Early childhood was very turbulent with regular moving of homes and parents divorcing and as the eldest, taking a parental protective role. As a teenager, especially at tech college, I developed a hunger for progressive and space rock music which took me to the free cosmic festivals at Stonehenge and initiation into the world of Celtic Psychedelic medicine in the early 1980’s. This earned me the nickname of Space-Cadet whilst studying my Dentistry degree at Guy’s hospital London 1982-1987. The training whilst significantly allopathic, had several holistic concepts, especially in the field of managing gum disease and early tooth decay. - Periodontal therapy is basically lymphatic drainage massage, stimulating blood supply and alkalising a diseased acidic environment and empowering patients with knowledge to heal themselves.

In 1990 after qualification and a two year stint in my first dental clinic, wanderlust, and a calling to Australia for one year and six months in the Far-East, inspired numerous transformations in perception, consciousness and understanding of tribal, indigenous ancient medicine. Gathered from spending time in the Australian Northern Territories with Aborigines and the Mentawai Shaman in the Jungles of Siberut, Sumatra Indonesia.

Life took a quantum leap after nearly dying twice in Taiping Perak, Malaysia from Typhoid, caught in Indonesia. The Near Death Experience, travelling through tunnels of light waking with new magical awareness was explained by a psychic a couple of years later as a Spirit Walk-In with A Pleiadean Star Being, who guides my way and opened me psychically to high levels of healing energy, especially through my hands and spiritually with abilities to read people and connect effortlessly with humans and animals.

On return, I personally struggled for a number of months to integrate my transformed self into the old systems that I was expected to work in and the depression guided me to seek personal help from Hypnotherapy and Healing and ultimately to a training at The Atkinson-Ball College of Hypnotherapy and Hypnohealing in the early ‘90’s. A class-mate’s mother was a spiritual teacher who held classes and I was initiated by Spirit Guide Red Cloud and undertook fire-walk ceremony and training with him. I feel his presence around me daily and many people feel my Native American Spirit. This inspired me to pursue the magic and teachings of Anthony Robbins, as a ticket agent and Student of his Mastery University in Mauii, Cannes and California. This all lead to a passion to help people break out of their fears with Hypnotherapy, NLP, and Hands on Healing. Initially working with elite athletes and business people, I eventually focussed on helping numerous people with phobia, fear, and anxiety of Dentistry at The Dental Confidence Centre in Belgravia. This led to significant exposure in the media, especially Ch5 on TV. The Hypnotherapy recordings became very popular in the original tape-format and have been digitised for download. They transformed people’s dental fears into deep confidence and empowered people to seek dental providers that were suitable for them.

This led to participating in Holotropic/Rebirthing Breathwork and Past Life trainings, notably with Denise Linn as well as Sweat Lodge Ceremonies. During the most memorable one, in the darkness of the lodge a six feet long white headdress of feathers appeared and shone white light over me. I found out after that the leader’s Spirit guide is White Feather and he asked if he came to anyone during the ceremony.

Age 32, my first child and son, Max, named after the Special Crystal Skull, was born at home and when he was passed into my hands, I had a deep samsara experience, suddenly escorted back in time to a turbulent night where I heard gunshots and screaming and saw fire flames all around, with natives on horseback and as a woman, I grabbed my child and left the tent and ran for safety from the raiding party into the nearby woodlands. It really felt like a deep reunion of Souls.

Soon after, I received Sound Training with Don Conreaux and received my Paiste Symphonic Gong from his team, then as the 1999 total solar eclipse came, the building to develop Mortiboys Dental Spa was acquired, which was launched in May 2000 with a beautiful ceremony held by Diana Cooper who lived locally at the time. For 23 years the clinic has been frequented by so many special people and the space has developed a strong positive energy for healing. Even though it was sold just before the Covid debacle and I am being called away from Clinical Dentistry, the clinic remains a Lighthouse.

So many of my patients have guided me to higher knowledge and wisdom and after visiting South India twice in the last 6 years, notably to Tiruvanamalai to a pilgrimage to Mount Arunachala and the Ashram of Sri Ramana Maharshi, I was guided to train in Glastonbury to work deeply with Crystal and Sound frequency under the mentorship of Lui Krieg. I have been activating high vibration people ever since and have now been called to go to another level with group activations and more globally via digital platforms.

This has been enhanced since the arrival, 2 years ago of my Golden Healer Himalayan Quartz Crystal Skull companion, called Geronimo. This has led to the opening of Phoenix Crystal Healing Centre with my wife Kim, who offers Reiki and Massage. To help me grieve the passing of my mother, after the promptings of my son, Max, I started my journey with Amazonian frog medicine, called Kambo as well as Hape and Sananga.

After some integration, the clarity of my second Dharma is crystalising beautifully. The time has come for us to take back control of our power, especially to heal ourselves and this planet as well as prevent disease by getting in touch with the causes, spiritually, mentally, and physically.

My Calling is to spread my message of Oral and Dental Health Maintenance and Disease Healing.