What are your teeth trying to tell you?

What are your teeth trying to tell you?

What are your teeth trying to tell you?

Another wonder of the human body!

Did you know the nerves from your teeth connect directly to your brain?

Makes you think twice about whether “teeth problems” are really teeth problems at all or if they stem from deeper within the body....

In Regenerative Detoxification we are taught that everything is connected in your body and to look for signs - like teeth problems - that can direct your focus to true causal factors of health complaints. 

You can clearly see in this image there is a direct link between teeth and the nerve signaling pathways leading directly to your brain. Every tooth is independently relaying a message to your brain along this electrical super highway, but what you may not realize is that every tooth is also receiving information in return. 

That begs the question, what exactly is being relayed and received??? 

Digestion begins in the mouth. Each tooth is relaying vital information of the compounds you’re eating or drinking to your brain which in turn activates different digestive organs and begins production of specific enzymes to break down what you’re eating, as well as influencing certain types of hormone production and so much more. 

What do you think might happen if you put chemical colors, flavors, preservatives and other toxic compounds into your mouth? 

Nanotechnology in food flavoring is real thing, too. Just look it up. Incredibly small particles with the ability to travel quickly through tissue.... Enhanced flavor they call it, yeah right!

MSG for example is a known excitotoxin that aggressively stimulates the nervous system and inhibits brain function. MSG has been intensively studied for its ability to hijack the vagus nerve from the transverse colon and travel directly to your brain! In other words it’s known to use the vagus nerve to travel the gut-brain axis to get to your brain and impair its function. If it can do that then it can also travel along the nerves in your mouth. When you eat MSG you’re getting the immediate poisoning from the nerves in your mouth, followed by a secondary exposure through the vagus nerve in the transverse colon 12 to 24 hours later.

Just watch a child who’s eaten MSG or another synthetic, chemical laden food or drink. You’ll see the initial response - hyperactivity or “craziness”, emotional distress. Then you’ll see the same again right before bed time, or perhaps early the next day and you’ll have no idea it’s the secondary response because you can’t identify any “triggers”. But I digress....

Back to the teeth: When seeing the nerves like this connecting directly to your brain, what do you think might happen to your brain with root canals, mercury fillings or using fluoride day in and day out? Mercury and fluoride are both classified as neurotoxins you know, meaning they are toxic for your brain. Do you think bacteria can also use this superhighway of nerves to gain access to otherwise “restricted areas”? 

You’ve probably already seen the studies showing dangers of root canals, or how fluoride and mercury accumulates in the brain and is linked to many health complaints from insomnia or poor sleep cycles, to degenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s or dementia. 

Did you know many regular brands of toothpaste contain fluoride, as well as a nasty chemical called Triclosan? Look that one up and see how toxic it can be, definitely don’t want that anywhere near a direct channel to your brain. Glycerin is also a problem in that it coats your teeth like plastic wrap, blocking your teeth from re-mineralizing or maintaining the proper balance of nutrients.

Toothpastes with glycerin require 20 rinses to get it off. This barrier is the reason why glycerin is so bad for your teeth. 

Even water today contains thousands of chemicals which could potentially piggy back the nervous system in your mouth and teeth, including fluoride, mercury and glyphosate from agricultural run off contaminating our waterways. Are you prepared to take that risk? 

Or have you invested in a water filter already. I’m confident my Aquarius is the best filter on the market, how confident are you with your choice? 

What messages do you think are relayed back to your teeth through these nerves? Remember how the outward message speaks to digestive organs and controls things like enzyme production? Well those organs and glands are on a feedback loop. 

Tooth problems and oral hygiene in general can speak volumes about what is happening inside your body. To a trained professional it can mean the difference between guessing with your health and targeting the right program tailored for your needs. 

What are your teeth telling you? But more to the point, what are you putting into your mouth that’s affecting your brain. You are the gatekeeper, your choices every day will create either sickness or health so empower yourself with the right choices today while you marvel at this image representing the magnificence of your body and its creation.

~ Ivan Bortic

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