Posted on July 19, 2024

I have been getting this question a lot recently and for over 30 years, I have been asked what is ‘Holistic or Biological Dentistry?’

To me a Shamanic Dentist is a fusion of modern meets ancient, east meets west, energy meets physical, invisible, meets visible, a rare breed of Holistic Dentist who not only works with an awareness of the interconnectedness of the whole physical body but also the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies as well. They are Seers, deeply connected to Mother Earth and Father Sky (cosmos), understand planetary and body cycles and rhythms and allow spirit to guide them in their discussions and treatments. In other words, with great physical Dental training and experience, they can trust their inner guidance rather than just their logic. They are more of a mystic than a traditional logical doctor archetype. This aids them in being like a masterful detective to understand root causes of disorders and diseases and help with timing and sequence of therapy that is most suitable to the person. They see the big picture and have an organic long term health plan. They believe that all things are connected and have their own consciousness. Yes, even teeth have their deep interconnectedness to other organs and systems of the body as well as their own consciousness. They can be great physical clinicians but equally they may not need to be, as they have the ability and awareness of how to transform the oral environment and reverse dental diseases, which are some of the most common but equally most reversible. Like all authentic practitioners, they treatment plan and guide from the highest integrity and for their patient’s best interest, only promoting what is best for them at that time, depending on the advancement of the diseases. They will not try and do all things for their patients and know their limitations and work with a multi-disciplinary team of clinicians who are masters of a particular physical aspect such as surgery or reconstruction. In summary they are mystical oral physicians and healers.

In my earlier years, I felt it much easier to explain my differences to mainstream dentistry purely on a physical and emotional level because it was clear to me that there was a huge demand for Dentists to help deliver dental care in a much more compassionate understanding level, embracing people’s concerns and fears as well as shifting the techniques and products to more biological and natural where possible. In the west and in particular, the UK, where I have spent most of my career as a dental clinician, the viewpoint and approach to the human body and especially teeth have been very much on a physical level. During this time there has been serious debate and conflict about dentistry’s older techniques and dental materials to restore our damaged teeth as well as chemical compounds used to help with dental disease prevention.

During the 1990’s, I received huge acclaim for my work in managing Dental Fears and Phobias, working with conventional methods such as Hypnotherapy and NLP and coaching. This confirmed to me that there was clearly a huge hole in society to heal, called Dental Phobia, Fear and Anxiety. It is assumed by most to be either passed on to children from their parents and other loved ones or created from challenging experiences, most often in early childhood. Though most of my patients/clients came to me for emotional and physical support, help, guidance and treatment a number received deep spiritual healings and for most of my career, I felt it best not be too public about this. The last 30 years has seen deep transformation in medical care from a physical narrative towards a more energy medicine narrative but I personally, as well as many of my Biological Dentistry colleagues, have had a tough journey anchoring in the New Age of Dental Care. It is certainly a road less travelled, being a pioneer, especially in Dentistry where there is so much control from governing bodies, Big Pharma and resentment / abuse from colleagues who feel threatened by alternative paradigms.

During this time, I have mostly worked under the radar, just helping people who sought me out with word of mouth from delighted patients as well as referrals from Holistic and Environmental Doctors and Health Practitioners, like Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Nutritionists, Acupuncturists, Kinesiologists, Homoeopaths, Energy Healers, like Reiki and Hands on Spiritual Healers. It confirmed a couple of phrases such as ‘your Vibe attracts your tribe’ and ‘birds of a feather, flock together’. Because many of these patients were high vibration people, often they would receive energy healings and flash backs to past events in this lifetime and maybe past incarnations. This would happen spontaneously, just when they sat in my dental chair or when I touched them on their head, neck, mouth or teeth. They would go into an altered state and see, like a movie a deep experience of their execution / death, such as a beheading, hanging or shooting in the head. Or they would experience an abusive situation that they survived such as an oral sexual abuse or torture. It was obvious to me, that I had a gift to help people release deep spiritual and physical trauma, without even trying.

During the last 30 years, my life has been very full on raising three children and pioneering a Special Dental Centre, learning so much holistic and shamanic medicine and I found it all rather overwhelming to stick my head above the parapet and share my insights in the field of Dental Spiritual Healing. It is only this year as I entered my 60thyear did I feel a calling to go more public and share my experiences and insight. I just now remember a journey I had with a patient approximately 20 years ago who came to me, saying he had been diagnosed with a terminal disease and he wanted his mouth to be totally cleansed of toxic metals and infected teeth before he died. We completed this over a few sessions and on the last session, his two daughters joined us, and we had a tearful, loving group hug, knowing that this would be the last time we would meet. He was so serene and ready now that he felt his mouth was clean enough for his physical passing.

This calling coincides with my pull away from full-time clinical dental practice. It has been gradually happening since I sold Mortiboys Dental Spa just before the global changes from Spring 2020. I felt that I could help more people by developing an on-line presence as well as undertake Dental Healing Sessions in groups, like workshops, retreats and Sweat Lodges as well as one to one in my healing clinic called Phoenix Crystal Healing Centre.

Over many years people would say that I have a Native American healing presence around me and a strong healing energy and an ability to read people, psychically but more of a clairsentience and clairaudience, rather than clairvoyance. Some people would give me the nickname of Shaman. There is one gentleman who has been calling me this for years, especially when I undertook his Crystal Sound Activation training programme in Glastonbury England. I always felt that this was a title handed down through tribal lineages and I often dismissed this name and I felt more safe calling myself a Medicine Man. I do feel personally that a shamanic spirit guides my way. It all really started when I died twice in a small remote hospital in Taiping Perak, Malaysia from typhoid, where I was resuscitated and finally came round with a totally new outlook and awareness on life. I saw energy around trees animals and people and people were very magnetised to speak and be with me. I felt very connected to the stars, and star beings, like many indigenous cultures do. I felt a deep connection with the Pleiadian star system, also known as The Seven Sisters. This has deepened ever since 1990. At that time, I had communed with many Aborigines in Northern Australia as well as tribes in Indonesia and witnessed Shamen working on a sick elder in the village. When I returned, I joined a spiritual circle group and the elderly lady held healing circles and channelled a Lakota Native American chief called Red Cloud and we did fire-walks in our mediations with him present. His Spirit has been close to me, ever since those days. When I hold Group Shamanic Sound Healing evenings, I channel Lakota chants and energies and just surrender to them and pass them on to the groups. People release deep emotional wounds and feel euphoric after and often say that they look forward to my next healing event.

Despite this deeply spiritual shamanic work, I still care for my tribe of dental patients who have been seeing me six monthly or annually for the last 10-30 years. I will still assess and guide new patients to help them on their own healing journey but will guide them to dental and non-dental clinicians for their physical therapy. I have been helping people online with dental guidance for many years and now offer this as a complete independent service for people seeking guidance and even second opinions for an alternate treatment journey. For many people, the pace and sequence of a treatment programme is key and they struggle with the demands of more pushy and aggressive treatment approaches and would like to be guided with gentler, slower paced journeys.

I hope this helps you understand the deep and intense world, where dental medicine integrates with shamanic medicine and should you know someone, who could benefit from this guidance, feel free to help them access it via www.thedentalshaman.com

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