7 Foods That Whiten Teeth & How to Include Them in Your Diet

7 Foods That Whiten Teeth & How to Include Them in Your Diet

7 Foods That Whiten Teeth & How to Include Them in Your Diet

Posted on May 30th, 2024

Welcome to our latest post at The Dental Shaman! Today, we're diving into a very popular topic in dental care—natural ways to brighten your smile. 

Many of us dream of having a dazzling, white smile, but the pursuit often leads to expensive treatments that can sometimes be harsh on your teeth. 

As holistic dental care practitioners, we advocate for methods that not only enhance your aesthetics but also nurture your overall dental health. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore foods that whiten teeth naturally and how you can easily incorporate them into your daily diet.

Understanding Tooth Discolouration

Tooth discolouration is a common dental issue that affects many of us at different stages of our lives. It can diminish self-confidence and prompt the pursuit of various treatments. However, to effectively combat discolouration, it's essential to understand the root causes. By identifying what leads to this issue, we can better tailor our approach to both prevent and treat it in a holistic and natural manner.

Causes of Tooth Discolouration
  • Food and Drink: Coffee, tea, red wine, and some dark-coloured fruits and vegetables are notorious for staining teeth. The intense colour pigments called chromogens that give these foods their colour can attach to the white, outer part of your teeth (enamel).
  • Tobacco Use: Both smoking and chewing tobacco can cause significant tooth staining. Tar and nicotine, which are chemicals found in tobacco, create stubborn stains that penetrate the surface of the teeth.
  • Age: As we age, the outer enamel layer gets thinner from brushing and more of the yellowish dentin underneath shows through.
  • Trauma: If a tooth has been hit, the impact can cause discolouration because it reacts to the injury by laying down more dentin, which is a darker layer underneath the enamel.
  • Medications: Certain antihistamines, antipsychotics, and high blood pressure medications can cause tooth discolouration as a side effect. Young children exposed to antibiotics like tetracycline and doxycycline when their teeth are forming may develop discolouration of their adult teeth later in life.
  • Fluorosis: Although fluoride is good for teeth, too much of it can cause white spots or even darker stains if excessive fluoride is consumed when teeth are developing in children.

While many turn to chemical treatments for a quick fix, these methods can often lead to tooth sensitivity and damage to the enamel. Our holistic approach to dental health focuses, instead, on natural and preventive measures. Let’s explore seven foods that whiten teeth and promote overall oral health.

7 Foods That Whiten Teeth

A brighter smile doesn't require harsh chemicals or expensive treatments. Nature offers us a variety of foods that naturally cleanse and whiten our teeth. Incorporating these foods into your daily diet can help not only in improving the appearance of your teeth but also in enhancing your overall oral health. Let’s explore these natural teeth whiteners and learn how to make them a part of our everyday meals.

1. Strawberries

Strawberries might surprise you as a teeth-whitening food due to their intense red color, but they're a secret weapon for a brighter smile. They contain malic acid, which naturally helps remove surface discolorations on your teeth without causing harm to the enamel.

How to Incorporate It Into Your Diet
  • Add to breakfast bowls: Toss sliced strawberries into your yogurt or cereal to start the day with a teeth-cleansing boost.
  • Prepare a natural tooth scrub: Mash up a few strawberries, mix them with a pinch of baking soda, and apply the mixture to your teeth. Leave it on for a few minutes, then gently brush away with your toothbrush.

2. Apples

Eating apples can help clean your teeth like a natural toothbrush. The act of biting and chewing this crunchy fruit stimulates the production of saliva, which helps rinse away bacteria and food particles.

How to Incorporate It Into Your Diet
  • Snack on whole apples: The natural abrasive quality of whole apples helps to clean teeth surfaces.
  • Add to salads: Combine apple slices with leafy greens for a refreshing and beneficial meal.

3. Celery

Much like apples, the fibrous texture of celery can clean teeth and massage gums, promoting dental health by increasing saliva production which neutralizes acid that causes decay and discolouration.

How to Incorporate It Into Your Diet
  • Include in smoothies: Add celery to your morning smoothie for a refreshing twist and dental clean.
  • Dip into hummus or nut butter: This not only makes a satisfying snack but also helps the fibres scrub your teeth as you chew.

4. Cheese

Cheese is rich in calcium and phosphorus, which help to remineralize tooth enamel. These elements also aid in balancing the pH level in your mouth, reducing the risk of tooth decay and helping to keep the teeth white.

How to Incorporate It Into Your Diet
  • Enjoy as a snack: Small pieces of cheese after meals can help neutralize the acids produced by other foods.
  • Incorporate into recipes: Add cheese to your dishes where possible, like in omelettes or as a topping on baked dishes.

5. Pineapple

Pineapple is the only food that contains bromelain, an enzyme that has natural stain-removing properties. It also acts as a natural anti-inflammatory that can help keep your gums healthy.

How to Incorporate It Into Your Diet
  • Serve as a dessert: Fresh pineapple slices after meals can cleanse the palate and whiten teeth.
  • Mix into fruit salads: Combine pineapple with other tooth-friendly fruits for a delicious and healthful dessert.

6. Nuts and Seeds

The abrasive texture of nuts and seeds helps to scrub plaque from the teeth and their high levels of beneficial oils can help to brighten the enamel.

How to Incorporate It Into Your Diet
  • As a snack: Almonds, walnuts, and sunflower seeds are great options for an afternoon snack.
  • Sprinkle over salad: Add a crunchy element to your salads that cleanses your teeth at the same time.

7. Baking Soda (used in moderation)

Baking soda is mildly abrasive and very effective at removing surface stains. It’s also a natural way to neutralize acids in the mouth, thus helping to prevent tooth decay.

How to Incorporate It Into Your Diet
  • Use as a homemade toothpaste: Mix a small amount of baking soda with water to make a paste and use it once or twice a week.
  • Add to mouthwash: Stir a teaspoon into water and swish it around your mouth for a natural cleansing mouthwash.

Related: How to Prevent Plaque Build Up: Practical Tips for Better Dental Health

Wrapping Up

Achieving a whiter, brighter smile naturally is an empowering way to enhance your dental health and overall wellbeing. Through incorporating these seven foods into your daily diet, you're not only taking steps towards naturally whitening your teeth but also supporting a healthier oral environment. This holistic approach ensures that you're not just treating symptoms but also nurturing your body in a way that is sustainable and beneficial.

At The Dental Shaman, we believe in empowering our patients with knowledge and holistic practices that enhance their dental health and overall vitality. 

Our approach combines traditional dental care with natural therapies to provide comprehensive, personalized treatments. From online holistic dental consultations to hands-on therapies and workshops, we offer a range of services designed to align with your unique health needs and goals.

To book a consultation, Get in Touch Now!

Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] with any questions or to schedule an appointment. Let us help you achieve a healthier, more vibrant smile in a way that nurtures your entire being.

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