Online Holistic Dental Consultations

Online Holistic Dental Consultations

Online Holistic Dental Consultations

Marc offers access to him personally via Whatsapp Video or Zoom. This is generally undertaken after receiving a written detailed account of oral/dental concerns, dental history and often after receiving X-Ray images, photos, 3D intra-oral and videos and Specialist reports, where requested. These usually remove the need for an initial physical assessment. Should one be required, Marc will organise this with your dentist or another he feels is suitable. He is also happy to look at recommended treatment without options and advise if alternatives are suitable.

Some people just require some simple guidance whilst others require a multi-disciplinary approach and Marc will direct to the appropriate Dental/Medical services and practitioners.

The fee for this will be determined by the complexity and will be quoted once the initial material has been received.

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