Crystal Sound Activations

Crystal Sound Activations

Crystal Sound Activations

The Phoenix Crystal Sound Activation with Marc Mortiboys the Holistic Dental Shaman; reawaken your inner fire reconnect to your soul purpose return to your source energy.


The Phoenix Crystal Sound Activation is a transformational healing experience. It is entered into with the intent for profound change and acceleration of your life path. It activates channels of Light in the Body-Mind circuitry, clearing blocks and allowing alignment with your Soul’s Purpose. It awakens the Spirit to conscious awareness, facilitating connection with your True Self and your Higher Self’s intentions for Life, so bringing inner peace. Phoenix Crystal Sound Activation prepares You for the current shifts in Cosmic Frequencies we are now experiencing.


Marc attunes to your sacred centres, invokes the assistance of Angels, Spiritual and Earth energies and is directed by your Higher Self and personal Spirit Guides. Your individual concerns and challenges are addressed, clearing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels occurs, opening chakras, removing blockages and disturbing energies, re-aligning energy flow in your body. You enter a deep trance state of healing, returning you to Source Frequencies. The ceremony is unique to You; a fusion of practices from diverse ancient cultures, such as Tibet, India/Sri Lanka North and South America, the overlay of Atlantis and Lemuria and timeless, other dimensional wisdom. Inspiration from current times are Crystal Queen Melody, sound Gurus, Jonathon Goldman and Don Conreaux, Angel connector, Diana Cooper and Masaru Emoto from Japan.



With a sacred feather, your energy field will be swept and cleared with sage smoke, helping you feel prepared for your magical healing journey.


An opportunity to attune to the high energy frequencies of Geronimo’s Himalayan Golden Healer Quartz with numerous record keepers and rainbows. WATER As the activation journey begins, you are invited to drink spring water from a Crystal Chalice. Taken from the alter, the water carries the intention for the highest good possible, for the initiation of personal evolution, programming your mind with positive thoughts that the water carries into the cells of your body.


You lie snug on a couch under blankets and a Crystal Layout is placed on your chakras and around your body. The crystals are chosen with guidance. The combination of precious gems, crystals and sacred symbolic items are unique to you on the session. Other crystal healing tools, wands and feather are used.


Divine Alchemy and other aura sprays are used a number of times, introducing the mysteries of aroma and plant essences. They are chosen intuitively for clearing and vivifying your aura, evoking mood and for the pleasure of person and all attendant spirits alike.


Marc works throughout the session with numerous sound instruments including Crystal Bowls, Crystal Pyramid and Tuning Fork, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Gong and Native American Drums and Rattles and his voice, as chants and mantras.


The intention for healing, transformation and transcendence draws many forms of spirit and deity into the environment. Archangel Michael is present, protecting and supporting a successful outcome. Personal guardians and angels attend you, and other beings, called upon by Marc and your higher self, in accordance with the sacred process.


After Marc completes his direct work, you are held within the silence for a time of consolidation. The healing and activation continues as the subtle bodies (mind, body and spirit) establish a new paradigm and spiritual beings and spirit guides complete their work.


Just one session can bring about powerful results, with immediate shifts in awareness and physicality, with profound changes and healing of mental, emotional and physical issues. Complete activation may happen in the first session, or you might return to refresh the activation, as changes occur and to re-establish pure connection. This sequence may vary with each individual session.

1-2-1 Activations take place at Phoenix Crystal Healing Centre above Mortiboys Dental Spa on the second floor. Forest Road, East Horsley, Surrey KT245HE

For group Activations of up to 50 people, Marc skilfully offers a fantastic opportunity to enhance group spirit and cohesion through a shared experience of Crystal Sound Meditation, using live instruments including Crystal Bowls, Crystal Tuning Forks and Pyramids, Drums, Gongs and Tibetan Bowls.

Using these pure frequencies, the group will be guided into a deep state of relaxation and ultimately brings about the Theta state of being, where deep healing and positive transformation can manifest. Sessions last between 1-2 hours.

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